Isaac Rudich

Isaac is a PhD candidate in applied mathematics being advised by Prof. Louis-Martin Rousseau and Prof. Quentin Cappart. His undergraduate studies were in theater management, but in his final year he had a conversation with his then advisor about why they couldn’t use existing software to schedule courses in a conservatory setting. This led to Isaac starting a software company to handle course scheduling with abnormal constraints; somewhere along the way he ended up falling in love with the math behind the software and decided to pursue it further.

Isaac’s research is currently focused on applying decision diagrams to sequencing problems, and improving the use of decision diagrams for general-purpose relaxed bounding. He hopes to apply his knowledge to healthcare and equitability problems in the near future.

A Selection of Working Papers

Rudich I, Lopez-Ibanez M, Romer M, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, (2024), An Exact Framework for Solving the Space-Time Dependent TSP.


Rudich I, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, (2023), Improved Peel-and-Bound: Methods for Generating Dual Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 77:1489-1538.


Rudich I, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, (2022), Peel-And-Bound: Generating Stronger Relaxed Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams. 28th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2022). Volume 235. LIPICS.