After completing his PhD in computer science and operations research at Université de Montréal, Louis-Martin Rousseau joined the Mathematics and Industrial Engineering Department at École Polytechnique de Montréal in 2003. Louis-Martin was one of the first researchers to investigate the hybridization of classical operations research methods and constraint programming, which comes from artificial intelligence. His current research focuses on transportation logistics, scheduling and resource optimization in healthcare.
Technology or Product Development
- (2009-2013), Co-developer, with team from UofM, Poly and UQAM, of LAIT-ROUTES, a software that optimizes the milk collection routes Now in use at Fédération des Producteur de Lait du Québec
- (2008 – 2013), Co-developer, with G Pesant and PhD student G Rix, of vehicle routing algorithms now in use within FPSuite, the logistic plateform of FPInnovation
- (2011 – 2012), Co-developer, with G Desaulniers and MSc student P de Fréminville, of CARTO a districting product now in use by Cooperators, a Canadian insurance company
- (2002 – 2012), Founder and scientific director of Planora, responsible for the models and algorithms used in their workforce optimization software (Planora was acquired by JDA Software in 2012)
Selected Invited lectures
- (2021) Analysis of COVID-19 induced disruptions in Quebec cancer care trajectories and forecast of post-COVID treatment machine load at CICL Seminar. Princess Margaret Hospital. Virtual Radiation Medicine Program Rounds – ON and QC forecasts on cancer diagnosis and care in 2021, Toronto, Canada. (online)
- (2021) Data to the rescue! How modeling can be used to predict patient flow and the subsequent resource strains (e.g. machine time, people time, etc.). Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology, Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (online)
- (2021) Combining Machine Learning and Optimization to improve cancer treatment logistics. ERGO Seminar talk Friday 5 Nov 16:15 JCMB 1501, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
- (2021) Improving the Efficiency of Cancer Treatment logistics Seminar. “Building Resilience in Food and Health Supply Chains” Seminar Series, Toronto, Canada.
- (2021) Combining Reinforcement Learning and Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization. Deep Learning and Combinatorial Optimization, Institute for Pure & Applied Mathematics (IPAM), Online Workshop, Canada.
- (2021) Data to the rescue! How modelling can be used to predict patient flow and
the subsequent resource strains (eg machine time, people time, etc.). Fortin, Marie-Andrée. Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology, Virtual, Canada. - (2020) Improving the Efficiency of Cancer Treatment through Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics. CORS Micro-Event: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Montreal, Canada.
- (2020) Improving Optimization Bounds using Machine Learning: Decision Diagrams meet Deep Reinforcement Learning. Symposium in Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics and Optimization, March 10-11, Kortrijk, Belgium.
- (2020) “A Primal-Dual View of Paper Writing-Publishing”, Invited plenary speaker for CORS micro-Event : Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Online Event.
- (2019) Constraint Programming and hybrid Optimization Approaches (7h30 of graduate courses over 5 days ). Winter School on Optimization and Operations Research, Zinal, Switzerland.
- (2018) Next Generation of Routing and Scheduling in Homecare Logistics (Keynote). International Autumn School and Workshop on Mathematical Models and Applications to Transportation, Hanoi, Viet Nam.
- (2018) Graphical Optimization Models to address Multi-Activity Shift Scheduling. (Plenary). PATAT 2018 (12th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling), Vienna, Austria.
- (2018) Modèles et outils pour l’optimisation des centres de cancérologie (Keynote). Journée de la
Recherche: Fond de Recherche du Québec Nature et Technologies, Québec, Canada. - (2018) Graphical Optimization Models to address Multi-Activity Shift Scheduling. (Seminar). Graduate Seminar Series. Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Concordia University., Montréal, Canada.
- (2017) “The role of analytics in improving the efficiency of cancer treatment facilities”, Invited lecture for MIE Distinguished Seminar Series, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. PDF
- (2016) “A Primal-Dual View of Paper Writing-Publishing”, Invited lecture, Doctoral Program of Principle and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2016, Toulouse, France.
- (2016) “Packing issues and optimization models in Supply Chain” Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India.
- (2016) “How data science helps create a big impact in healthcare services”, Invited panelist, Big Data in Healthcare: Opportunity and Challenges, Hacking Health Montreal, Canada.
- (2015) “Constraint Programming and Operations Research”, Invited tutorial, at the ROADEF Conference, Compiègnes, France.
- (2014): “One Problem, Two Structures, Six Solvers, and Ten Years of Personnel Scheduling” plenary talk at Principle and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2014. Lyon, France.
- (2014): “Exploiting the Same Structures in Different Solvers”, Invited lecture at ACP (Association for Constraint Programming) Summer School, Bologna, Italy.
- (2013), “Scheduling for Profit in Retail”, Business Administration Faculty Seminar Series, Carnegie Melon University Qatar, Doha, Qatar
- (2012), “Workforce Scheduling in the Service Industry”, Plenary talk at the ROADEF Conference, Angers, France.
- (2011), “Workforce Scheduling in the Service Sector”, School of Industrial and Systems Engineering seminar series, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA
- (2011), “Branch and Price based Large Neighborhood Search for Vehicle Routing”, Invited Seminar at the IBM TJ Watson Resarch Center, Yorktown, NY USA
- (2009), “Integrating Routing and Scheduling with Hybrid Methods”, Plenary talk at the Conference on Transportation Scheduling and Disruption Handling, Florence, Italy
- (2009), “Formal Languages and Integer Programming Modeling”, Tepper School of Business Operations Research seminar series, Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburg, USA
- (2008), “Can Formal Languages be useful to solve the Shift Scheduling Problem”, Invited tutorial at the CPAIOR Master Class Paris, France
- (2005), “Survey of Local Search and CP Hybrids”, Invited tutorial at the CPAIOR Master Class, Prague, Czech Republic
Peer reviewing, editorial tasks, invited positions and conference organization
- Associate Editor,INFORMS Transportation Science, 2022
- Member of the program committee for the IJCAI-ECAI, 2022
- Associate Editor, Artificial Intelligence Journal, 2021
- Award Committee Member, European Association of Artificial Intelligence, 2019
- Application Area Editor, Constraints, since 2016
- Editorial Board Member, Constraints, since 2014
- Editor, EURO Journal on Computation Optimization since 2011
- Associate Editor, Network, 2012-2021
- Associate Editor, INFORMS Journal on Computing since 2009
- Guest Editor of Journal of Heuristics special issue following the MIC 2007 conference
- Mitacs Board of Review since 2007
- Invited Professor at Universidad de Los Andes (2009), and Polytechnique – Université de Nice (2009, 2010), INSA-Toulouse (2012), Université Paul Sabbatier (2012)
- Member of the scientific program committees of CPAIOR from 2003 to 2016, of CP 2006, 2012, of AAAI 2008, of JFPC 2004, 2005 2008, of PATAT 2008, 2010, of ATMOS 2010 and GISEH 2012
- Conference co-organizer of CPAIOR 2003, MIC 2007, PATAT 2008, IESM 2009, OD 2010, 2012, 2014 and CP2012, CORS/INFORMS 2015 (general chair), CP 2016 (publicity Chair), MIP 2017 ICCR 2019
- External reviewer on numerous occasions for the journals: Operations Research, Management Science, Transportation Science, Journal on Computing, Computers and Operations Research, European Journal of Operations Research, Journal of Scheduling and Journal of Heuristics, among others
A Selection of Working Papers
Zheng K, Shourabizadeh H, Aleman D M, Rousseau L-M, Bhat M, (2024), Machine Learning for predicting graft survival following liver transplantation.
Rudich I, Lopez-Ibanez M, Romer M, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, (2024), An Exact Framework for Solving the Space-Time Dependent TSP.
Marty T, François T, Tessier P, Gautier L, Boisvert L, Rousseau L-M, Cappart Q, (2024), Learning a Generic Value-Selection Heuristic Inside a Constraint Programming Solver.
Hosseini S, Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M (2023), Home Health Care Delivery with Consistency Consideration in a Stochastic Environment.
Zhou H, Qin H, Cheng C, Rousseau L-M, (2023), An exact algorithm for the two-echelon vehicle routing problem with drones.
Bentayeb D, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M,(2022), Radiotherapy Patient Rescheduling Under Machine Breakdown.
Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M, Yu Q, Cheng C, (2022), Reliable Facility Location Under Event-Correlated Uncertainty.
Cheng C, Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M, Sim M, (2022), Robust Drone Delivery with Weather Information.
Zhu L, Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M, (2022), Partial-outsourcing strategy for the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands.
Renaud M-A, Fortin M-A, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2020), Data-driven strategic planning to maintain quality of care in radiotherapy centers during the pandemic of COVID-19.
Grenouilleau F, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2020), “The Dynamic Home Health Care Scheduling Problem: The Value of Flexibility”.
Journal and Conference Publications - 2024
*Marty T, *François T, *Tessier P, *Gautier L, *Boisvert L, Rousseau L-M, Cappart Q, (2024), Learning and Fine-Tuning a Generic Value-Selection Heuristic Inside a Constraint Programming Solver, Constraints, 29: 234–260.
Bouthillier M-E, Farme Y, Calderon Ramirez C, Downar J, Frolic A, Dahine J, Opatrny L, Poirier D, Bravo G, L’Espérance A, Payot A, Tanuseputro P, Rousseau L-M, (2024), Public perspectives on COVID-19 triage protocols for access to critical care in extreme pandemic context, 19(12): e0314460, PLOS ONE.
Ramirez C C, Farmer Y, Downar J, Frolic A, Opatrny L, Poirier D, Bravo G, L’Espérance A, Orr Gaucher N, Payot A, Dahine J., Tanuseputro P, Rousseau L-M, Dumez V, Descôteaux A, Dallaire C, Laporte K, Bouthillier M-E, (2024), Assessing the quality of an online democratic deliberation on COVID-19 triage protocols for access to critical care in extreme pandemic context: A mixed methods study, Journal of Participatory Medicine.
Ricard L, Desaulniers G, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, (2024), Increasing schedule reliability in the multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem with stochastic travel time. Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, 127.
Shourabizadeh H, Aleman D M, Rousseau L-M, Zheng K, Bhat M, (2024), Classification-augmented survival estimation (CASE): A novel method for individualized long-term survival prediction with applcation to liver transplantation, PLOS ONE, 20(1).
Ramirez C C, Farmer Y, Frolic A, Bravo G, Gaucher N A, Payot A, Opatrny L, Poirier D, Dahine J, L’Espérance A, Downar J, Tanuseputro P, Rousseau L-M, Dumez V, Descôteaux A, Dallaire C, Laporte K, Bouthillier M-E, (2024), What are the views of Quebec and Ontario citizens on the tiebreaker criteria for prioritizing access to adult critical care in the extreme context of a COVID-19 pandemic?, BMC Medical Ethics 25, 31,
Qu Y, Shourabizadeh H, Subramanian A, Aleman D.M., Rousseau L-M, Law A.D., Viswabandya A., Michelis F.V., (2024), Differential impact of CD34+ cell dose for different age groups in allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation for acute leukemia: a machine learning-based discovery, Experimental Hematology, 141.
Cheng C, Yu Q, Adulyasak Y, Rousseau L-M, (2024), Distributionally Robust Facility Location with Uncertain Facility Capacity and Customer Demand, Volume 122, 102959, Omega.
Ricard L, Desaulniers G, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, (2024), Increasing schedule reliability in the multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem with stochastic travel time, Omega.
Haouassi M, Kergosien Y, Mendoza J E, Rousseau L-M,(2024), The picker routing problem in mixed-shelves, multi-block warehouses, International Journal of Production Research,
Bayani M, Adulyasak Y, Rostami B, Rousseau L-M, (2024), A Dual Bounding Framework Through Cost Splitting for Binary Optimization, INFORMS Journal on Computing.
Marty T, François T, Tessier P, Gautier L, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, (2023), Learning a Generic Value-Selection Heuristic Inside a Generic Constraint Programming Solver, 29th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming LIPIcs, Volume 280, CP 2023.
Rudich I, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, (2023), Improved Peel-and-Bound: Methods for Generating Dual Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 77:1489-1538.
Pham T-S, Legrain A, De Causmaecker P, Rousseau L-M (2023), A prediction-based approach for online dynamic appointment scheduling: a case study in radiotherapy treatment. INFORMS Journal on Computing. 35(4): 711-908.
Peyman K, Cappart Q, Chapados N, Pouya H, Rousseau L-M, (2023), Dynamic Routing and Wavelength Assignment with Deep Reinforcement Learning. INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 6(1): 1-18.
Shourabizadeh H, M. Aleman D, Rousseau L-M, D. Law A, Viswabandya A, Michelis F.V., (2023), Machine learning for the prediction of survival post-allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation: A single-center experience, Acta Haematologica, 147(3): 280-291.
Bentayeb D, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2023), On Integrating Patients Appointment Grids and Technologist Schedules in Radiology Center, Healthcare Management Science. Springer, 26:62–78.
Cappart Q, Bergman D, Rousseau L-M, Prémont-Schwartz I, Parjadis A. (2022). Improving Variable Orderings of Approximate Decision Diagrams using Reinforcement Learning. INFORMS Journal on computing. 34 (5): 2552-2570. INFORMS.
Gonzalez J E, Cire A, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, (2022), BDD-Based Optimization for the Quadratic Stable Set Problem, Discrete Optimization, 44(2).
Pham T-S, De Causmaecker P, Rousseau L-M. (2022). A two-phase approach for the Radiotherapy Scheduling Problem. Healthcare Management Science.Springer. 17 pages. 25: 191-207.
Rudich I, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, (2022), Peel-And-Bound: Generating Stronger Relaxed Bounds with Multivalued Decision Diagrams. 28th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2022). Volume 235. LIPICS.
Haouassi M, Mendoza J.E., Kergosien Y, Rousseau L-M. (2022). The integrated orderline batching, batch scheduling, and picker routing problem with multiple pickers: the benefits of splitting customer orders. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal.32 pages. 34:614-645. Springer.
Joshi CK, Cappart Q, Laurent T, Rousseau L-M, (2022), Learning the Travelling Salesperson Problem Requires Rethinking Generalization, Constraints, 27:70–98.
Qinxiao Y, Adulyasak Y, Ning Zhu S M and Rousseau L-M, (2022), Team Orienteering with Time-Varying Profit, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 34(1).
Ricard L, Desaulniers G, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, (2022), Predicting the probability distribution of bus travel time to move towards reliable planning of public transport services, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 138, 103619.
Augustin A, Jouvet P, Lahrichi N, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, (2022), A Data-Driven Approach to Include Availability of ICU Beds in the Planning of the Operating Room, Omega, 109, 102608.
Kafaei P, Cappart Q, Renaud M-A, Chapados N, Rousseau L-M, (2021), Graph neural networks and deep reinforcement learning for simultaneous beam orientation and trajectory optimization of Cyberknife, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 66(21).
Camiat F, Restrepo MI, Chauny J-M, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2021), “Productivity-Driven Physician Scheduling in Emergency Departments”. Health Systems, 10(2): 104-117.
Gauthier Melançon G, Grangier P, Prescott-Gagnon E, Sabourin E, Rousseau L-M, (2021), A Machine-Learning-Based System for Predicting Service Level Failures in Supply Chains. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. 51(3):167-244.
Hashemi Doulabi H, Jaillet P, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M, (2021), Exploiting the Structure of Two-Stage Robust Optimization Models with Exponential Scenarios. INFORMS Journal on Computing, 33(1).
*Parjadis A, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, and Bergman D, (2021), Improving Branch-and-Bound using Decision Diagrams and Reinforcement Learning, CPAIOR (International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research), LNTCS,volume 12735.
*Chalumeau F, *Coulon I, Cappart Q and Rousseau L-M, (2021), SeaPearl: A Constraint Programming Solver guided by Reinforcement Learning, CPAIOR (International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research), LNTCS,volume 12735.
Kafaei P, Cappart Q, Renaud M-A, Chapados N, Rousseau L-M, (2021), Deep Q-learning for simultaneous Beam Orientation and trajectory optimization for Cyberknife. Physics and Medecine in Biology, 66(21).
Bretin A, Desaulniers G, Rousseau L-M, (2021), “The Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows in Postal Services”. Journal of the Operational Research Society. 72(2): 383-397.
Ricard L, Desaulniers G, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, (2021), Increasing the reliability of the multi-depot vehicle scheduling problem, CASPT 2021: 15th International Conference on Advanced Systems in Public Transport.
Rimélé A, Gamache M, Gendreau M, Grangier P, Rousseau L-M, (2021), Robotic Mobile Fulfillment Systems: a mathematical modelling framework for e-commerce applications. International Journal of Production Research, 60(11):3589-3605.
Cheng, C., Adulyasak, Y. and Rousseau, L.M., (2021), Robust Facility Location Under Demand Uncertainty and Facility Disruptions, Omega, 103: 102429.
Cheng, C., Adulyasak, Y. and Rousseau, L.M., (2021), Robust Facility Location Under Disruptions, INFORMS Journal on Optimization, 3(3):227-314.
Joshi H-K, Cappart Q, Rousseau L-M, Laurent T, (2021), “Learning TSP Requires Rethinking Generalization”, International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming – CP 2021.
Grangier P, Gendreau M, Lehuédé F, Rousseau L-M, (2021), “The vehicle routing problem with cross-docking and resource constraints”. Journal of Heuristics, 27: 31-61.
Bouchet P-Y, Gualandi S, Rousseau L-M, (2020), Primal Heuristics for Wasserstein Barycenters, Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research,(12296) 239-255, 17th International Conference, CPAIOR 2020, Vienna, Austria, September 21-24, 2020.
Benzaid M, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M. (2020). Chemotherapy appointment scheduling and daily outpatient-nurse assignment. Health Care Management Science. 23(1): 34-50
Ha Hoang Minh, Pham Hoang Giang, Nguyen Tat Dat, do Thuy, Duy Thinh Nguyen, Rousseau L-M, (2020), “A new constraint programming model and a linear programming-based adaptive large neighborhood search for the vehicle routing problem with synchronization constraints”. Computers and Operations Research. 124 (105085).
Messaoudi M, El Hallaoui I, Rousseau L-M, Tahir A, (2020), “Solving a Real-World Multi-attribute VRP Using a Primal-Based Approach”. In: Baïou M., Gendron B., Günlük O., Mahjoub A. (eds) Combinatorial Optimization. ISCO 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12176: 286-296. Springer, Cham.
Cheng, C, Adulyasak, Y and Rousseau, L-M, (2020), «Drone Routing with Energy Function: Formulation and Exact Algorithm». Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 139: 364-387.
Vieira B, Demirtas D, Van de Kamer J, Hans E, Rousseau L-M, Lahrichi N, Van Harten W, (2020), «Radiotherapy treatment scheduling considering time window preferences». Health Care Management Science, 23: 520–534.
Hashemi Doulabi H, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M, (2020), «Vehicle Routing Problems with Synchronized Visits and Stochastic Travel and Service Times: Applications in Healthcare». Transportation Science, 54(4): 855-1152.
Restrepo M, Rousseau L-M, Vallée J, (2020), “Home Healthcare Integrated Staffing and Scheduling”, Omega, 95.
Gonzalez J E, Cire A A, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, (2020), « Integrated Integer Programming and Decision Diagram Search Tree with an Application to the Maximum Independent Set Problem », Constraints, 25: 23-46.
Grenouilleau F, Lahrichi L, Rousseau L-M, (2020), «New Decomposition Methods for Home Care Scheduling with Predefined Visits». Computers and Operations Research, 115 (104855).
Capelle T, Cortes C, Gendreau M, Rey P A, Rousseau L-M, (2019), “A column generation approach for location-routing problems with pickup and delivery”, European Journal of Operations Research, 272(1): 121-131.
Bentayeb D, Lahrichi L, Rousseau LM, (2019), “Patient scheduling based on a service-time prediction model: A data-driven study for a radiotherapy center”, Healthcare Management Science, 22: 768-782.
Grenouilleau F, Legrain A, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2019), “A set partitioning heuristic for the home health care routing and scheduling problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, 275(1): 295-303.
Prouvost A, Lodi A, Rousseau L-M, and Vallee J, (2019), “Adverse Event Prediction by Telemonitoring and Deep Learning”, Springer, 205-215.
Hernández-Leandroa N A, Boyer V, M. Salazar-Aguilar A, Rousseau L-M, (2019), “A matheuristic based on Lagrangian relaxation for the multi-activity shift scheduling problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, 272(3): 859-867.
Lmariouh J, El Hachemi N, Jamali A, Bouami D, Rousseau L-M, (2019), “An Integrated Production and Distribution Problem with Direct Shipment: A Case from Moroccan bottled-water market”, International Journal of Operational Research, 34(1): 144-160.
Cappart Q, Goutierre M, Bergman D, Rousseau L-M, (2019), “Improving Optimization Bounds using Machine Learning: Decision Diagrams meet Deep Reinforcement Learning”, AAAI 2019 (Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence), Honolulu, United States. 33: 1443-1451.
Musaraganyi L, Germain S, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2019), “Integration of user’s Preferences into home healthcare routing and scheduling Multi-objective Problem: A Hierarchical approach with Pareto-optimal Alternative Solutions”, International Conference on Human-Centred Software Engineering, Health Care Systems Engineering, 11494: 179-191.
Mahnam M, Gendreau M, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2019), “Integrating DVH criteria into a column generation algorithm for VMAT treatment planning”, Physics in Medicine & Biology. 64(8).
Hossein H, Gendreau M, Potvin J-Y, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “Large Neighborhood Search with Constraint Programming for a Vehicle Routing Problem with Synchronization Constraints”, Computers & Operations Research Journal, 92: 87-97.
Cappart Q, Thomas C, Schauss P, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A Constraint Programming Approach for Solving Patient Transportation Problems”, CP 2018, International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Lili, France Conference. 11008: 490-506. Date: 2018/8.
Deudon M, Cournut P, Lacoste A, Adulyassak Y, Rousseau LM, (2018), “Learning Heuristics for the TSP by Policy Gradient”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, CPAIOR, #10848, 170-181.
Errico F, Desaulniers G, Gendreau M, Rei W, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “The Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows and Stochastic Service Times”,European Journal on Transportation Science and Logistics, 7(3): 223-251.
Pan S, Akplogan M, Touati N, Létocart L, Wolfer Calvo R, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A hybrid heuristic for the multi-activity tour scheduling problem”, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 69: 333-340. EURO/ALIO International Conference 2018 on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Bologna, Italy.
Romer M, Cire A A, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A Local Search Framework for Compiling Relaxed Decision Diagrams”, Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, 15th International Conference, CPAIOR 2018, Delft, The Netherlands, June 26–29, 10848: 512-520.
Cheng C, Qi M, Zhang Y, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A two-stage robust approach for the reliable logistics network design problem”, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 111: 185-202.
Froger A, Gendreau M, Mendoza J E, Pinson E, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “Solving a Wind Turbine Maintenance Scheduling Problem”, Journal of Scheduling, 21(1): 63-76.
El Hachemi N, Sadoune M, El Hallaoui I, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A Two-Phase Approach to Solve the Synchronized Bin-Forklift Scheduling Problem”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 29(3):651-657.
Cheng C, Qi M, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “A Fuel Consumption Optimization Model for the Multi-Period Inventory Routing Problem”, Transportation Research Record Journal, 2672(9): 59-69.
Restrepo M I, Gendron B, Rousseau L-M, (2018), “Combining Benders Decomposition and Column Generation for Multi-Activity Tour Scheduling”, Computers & Operations Research Journal, 93: 151-165.
Sanei O B, Cire A A, Rousseau L-M, (2017), “A First Look at Picking Dual Variables for Maximizing Reduced Cost Fixing”, CPAIOR,10335, pages 221-229.
Mahnam M, Gendreau M, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2017), “Simultaneous delivery time and aperture shape optimization for the volumetric-modulated arc therapy (VMAT) treatment planning problem”, Physics in Medicine and Biology Journal, 62(14): 5589–5611.
Restrepo M I, Gendron B, Rousseau L-M, (2017), “A Two-Stage Stochastic Programming Approach for Multi-Activity Tour Scheduling”, European Journal of Operational Research, 262:2, 620-635.
Grangier P, Gendreau M, Lehuédé F, Rousseau L-M, (2017), “A matheuristic based on large neighborhood search for the vehicle routing problem with cross-docking”, Computers & Operations Research, 84:116-126.
Cheng C, Yang P, Qi M, Rousseau L-M, (2017), “Modeling a Green Inventory Routing Problem with a Heterogeneous Fleet”. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 97:97–112.
Dems A, Frayret J-M, Rousseau L-M, (2017), “Annual Timber Procurement Planning With Bucking Decisions”, European Journal of Operations Research, 259:2, 713-720.
Monroy-Licht M, Amaya C-A, Langevin A, and Rousseau L-M, (2017), “The Rescheduling Arc Routing Problem”, International Transactions in Operational Research, 24(6):1325-1346.
Froger A, Gendreau M, Mendoza J E, Pinson E, Rousseau LM, (2017), “A branch-and-check approach for a wind turbine maintenance scheduling problem”, Computers and Operations Research, 88: 117-136.
Mahnam M, Rousseau L-M, Lahrichi N, Gendreau M, (2016), “A novel Column-Generation Matheuristic to Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) Treatment Planning”, Proceedings of ICS Conference.
Grangier P, Gendreau M, Lehuede F, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “An Adaptive Large Neighborhood Search for the Two-Echelon Multiple-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Satellite Synchronization” European Journal of Operations Research, 254:1, 80-91.
Masson R, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “A two-stage solution method for the annual dairy transportation problem”, European Journal of Operational Research, 251:1, 36-43.
Hashemi Doulabi S H, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “A Constraint Programming-based Branch-and-Price-and-Cut approach for Operating Room Planning and Scheduling”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 28:3, 432-448.
Restrepo M I, Gendron B, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “Branch-and-Price for Personalized Multi-Activity Tour Scheduling”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 28:2, 334-350.
Dems A, Frayret J-M, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “A Hybrid Constraint Programming Approach to a Wood Procurement Problem With Bucking Decisions”, Constraints, 21:2, 303-317.
Mendoza J-E, Rousseau L-M, Villega J-G, (2016), “A Hybrid Metaheuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demand and Duration Constraints”, Journal of Heuristics, 22:4, 539-566.
Fages J-G, Lorca X, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “The Salesman and the Tree: the Importance of Search in CP”, Constraints 21:2, 145-162.
Froger A, Gendreau M, Mendoza J-E, Pinson E, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “Maintenance Scheduling in the Electricity Industry: a Literature Review”, European Journal of Operations Research, 251(3): 695-706.
Errico F, Desaulniers G, Gendreau M, Rei W, Rousseau L-M, (2016), “A Priori Optimization with Recourse for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows and Stochastic Service Time”, European Journal of Operations Research, 249:1, 55-66.
Lahrichi N, Crainic T-G, Gendreau M, Rei W, Rousseau L-M, (2015), “Strategic analysis of the dairy transportation problem”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66:1, 44-56.
Pesant G, Rix G, Rousseau, L-M, (2015), “A Comparative Study of MIP and CP Formulations for the B2B Scheduling Optimization Problem”, In Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS, #9075, 306-321.
Ha M H, Quimper G-G, Rousseau L-M, (2015), “General Bounding Mechanism for Constraint Programs”, In Proceedings of CP, LNCS #9255, pages 158-172.
Legrain A, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, Widmer M, Fortin M-A, (2015), “Optimization of the Scheduling of a Radiotherapy Center”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 616.
El Hachemi N, El Hallaoui, Gendreau M, Rousseau L-M, (2015), “Flow-based Integer Linear Programs to Solve the Weekly Log-Truck Scheduling Problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 232, 87-97.
Dems A, Frayret J-M, Rousseau L-M, (2015), “Effects of Different Cut-to-Length Harvesting Structures on the Economic Value of a Wood Procurement Planning Problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 232, 65-86.
de Fréminville P, Desaulniers G, Rousseau L-M, and Perron S, (2015), “A Column Generation Heuristic for Districting the Price of a Financial Product”, Journal of Operations Research Society, 66:6, 965-978.
Legrain A, Lahrichi N, Rousseau L-M, (2015), “Online Stochastic Optimization of Radiotherapy Patient Scheduling”, Healthcare Management Science, 18, 110-123.
Pelleau M, Rousseau L-M, L’Ecuyer P, Zegal W, Delorme L, (2014), “Scheduling agents using forecast call arrivals at Hydro-Quebec’s call centers”, In Proceedings of CP, LNCS #8656, pages 862-869.
Doublani S H, Pesant G, Rouseau L-M, (2014), “A Constraint Programming-Based Column Generation Approach for Operating Room Planning and Scheduling”, In Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #8451, 455-463.
Hoskin M, Masson R, Gauthier-Melançon G, Mendoza J E, Meyer C, Rousseau L-M, (2014), “The PrePack Optimization Problem”, In Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #8451, pages 136-143.
Lahrichi N, Crainic T-G, Gendreau M, Rey W and Rousseau L-M, (2014), “Strategic Analysis of the Dairy Transportation Problem”, Journal of the Operations Research Society, 66:1, 44-56.
Rix G, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M, (2014), “A Column Generation Algorithm for Tactical Timber Transportation Planning”, Journal of the Operations Research Society, 66:2, 278-287.
Prescott-Gagnon É, Desaulniers G, Rousseau L-M, (2014), “Heuristics for an Oil Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem”, Flexible Services And Manufacturing Journal, 26:4, 516-539.
Zhu L, Rei W, Rousseau L-M, Bo L, (2014), “Paired Cooperative Reoptimization Strategy for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands”, Computers and Operations Research, 50,1-13.
Chapados N, Joliveau M, L’Écuyer P and Rousseau L-M, (2014), “Scheduling for Profit in Retail”, European Journal of Operations Research, 239, 609-624.
Cortès C, Gendreau M, Rousseau L-M, Souyris S, Weintraub A, (2014) “Solving a Technician Dispatch Problem using Branch and Price and Constraint Programming” European Journal of Operations Research, 238:1, 300-312.
Boyer V, Gendron B, Rousseau L-M, (2014), “A Branch-And-Price Algorithm for the Multi-Activity Multi-Task Shift Scheduling Problem”, Journal of Scheduling 17:2, 185-197.
Ha MH, Bostel N, Langevin A, Rousseau L-M (2014), “Solving the Directed Close-Enough Arc Routing Problem”, Network, 63:1, 107-118.
Cortès C, Gendreau M, Rousseau L-M, Souyris S, Weintraub A, (2014), “Branch-and-Price and Constraint Programming for solving a Real-Life Technician Dispatching Problem”, European Journal of Operations Research, 238(1), 300-312.
Ha MH, Bostel N, Langevin A, Rousseau L-M (2014), “An Exact Algorithm and a Metaheuristic for the Generalized Vehicle Routing Problem”, Computers and Operations Research 43:1, 9-19.
El Hachemi N, Saddoune M, El Hallaoui I Rousseau L-M (2013), “Production Scheduling and Routing Problem in Textile Industry”, In Proceedings of Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM), 10 pages
Brockbank S, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M, (2013), “Counting Spanning Trees to Guide Search in Constrained Spanning Tree Problems”, In Proceedings of CP[1], LNCS #8124, pages 175-183.
[1] International Conference on Principle s and Practice of Constraint Programming, acceptance ratio consistently around 25%
Rousseau L-M, Gendreau M and Pesant G, (2013), “The Synchronized Vehicle Dispatching Problem”, INFOR, 51:2, 76-83.
Coté M-C, Gendron B and Rousseau L-M, (2013), “Grammar-Based Column Generation for Personalized Multi- Activity Shift Scheduling”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 25:3, 461-474.
El Hachemi N, Gendreau M and Rousseau L-M, (2013), “A Heuristic to Solve the Synchronized Log-Truck Scheduling Problem”, Computers and Operations Research 40:3, 666-673.
Ha MH, Bostel N, Langevin A, Rousseau L-M, (2013), “An Exact Algorithm and a Metaheuristic for the Multi-Vehicle Covering Tour Problem with a Constraint on the Number of Vertices”, European Journal of Operations Research 226, 211-220.
Ha MH, Bostel N, Langevin A, Rousseau L-M, (2012), “An Exact Algorithm for the Close Enough Traveling Salesman Problem with Arc Covering Constraints”, in Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems (ICORES).
Goël A, Rousseau L-M, (2012), “Truck Driver Scheduling in Canada”, Journal of Scheduling, 15:6, 783-799.
Berbeglia G, Pesant G and Rousseau L-M, (2012), “Feasibility of the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Fixed Partial Routes: A Complexity Analysis”, Transportation Science, 46:3, 359-373.
Malapert A, Guéret C, Rousseau L-M, (2012), “A Constraint Programming Approach for a Batch Processing Problem with Non-identical Job Sizes”, European Journal of Operations Research, 221:3,533-545.
Benchimol P, van Hoeve WJ, Régin J-C, Rousseau L-M, Rueher R, (2012), “Improved Filtering for Weighted Circuit Constraints”, Constraints 17:3, 205-233.
Malpert A, Cambazard A, Gueret C, Jussien N, Langevin A and Rousseau L-M, (2012), “An Optimal Constraint Programming Approach to the Open-Shop Problem”, INFORMS Journal on Computing, 24:2, 228-244.
Chapados N, Joliveau M, Rousseau L-M, (2011), “Retail Store Workforce Scheduling by Expected Operating Income Maximization”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR[1], LNCS #6697, pages 53-58.
[1] International Conference on Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming.
Lodi A, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M (2011), “On Counting Lattice Points and Chvátal-Gomory Cutting Plane” in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #6697, pages 131-136
Audy J-F, El Hachemi N, Michel L, Rousseau L-M, (2011), “Solving a combined routing and scheduling problem in forestry”, in Proceedings of Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM), 10 pages.
Côté M-C, Gendron B and Rousseau L-M, (2011), “Grammar-Based Integer Programming Models for Multi-Activity Shift Scheduling”, Management Science, 57:1, 151-163.
El Hachemi N, Gendreau M and Rousseau L-M, (2011), “A Hybrid Constraint Programming Approach to the Log-Truck Scheduling Problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 184:1, 163-178.
Côté M-C, Gendron B, Quimper C-G and Rousseau L-M, (2011), “Formal Languages for Integer Programming Modeling of Shift Scheduling Problem”, Constraints, 16:1, 54-76.
Audy J-F, D’Amours S and Rousseau L-M (2011), “Cost Allocation in The Establishment of a Collaborative Transportation Agreement – An Application in the Furniture Industry”, Journal of the Operations Research Society, 62, 960-970.
Berbeglia G, Pesant G and Rousseau L-M, (2011), “Checking the Feasibility of Dial-a-Ride Instances using Constraint Programming”, Transportation Science, 45:3 399-412.
Benchimol P, Régin J-C, Rousseau L-M, Rueher M and van Hoeve WJ, (2010), “Improving the Held-Karp Approach with Constraint Programming”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #6140, 40-44.
Régin J-C, Rousseau L-M, Rueher M and van Hoeve WJ (2010), “The Weighted Spanning Tree Constraint Revisited”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #6140, 287-291
Côté M-C, Gendron B, Rousseau L-M, (2010), “Grammar-Based Integer Programing Models for Multi-Activity Shift Scheduling”, in Proceedings of International Synmposium on Combinatorial Optimzation (ISCO), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, #1128, 727-734.
Prescott-Gagnon E, Desaulniers G and Rousseau L-M (2010), “European Driver Rules in Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows”, Transportation Science, 44:3, 455-473.
Quimper C-G and Rousseau L-M, (2010), “A Large Neighborhood Approach to the Multi-Activity Shift Scheduling Problem”, Journal of Heuristics, 16:3, 373-392.
Pesant G, Quimper C-G, Rousseau L-M and Sellmann M, (2009), “The Polytope of the Grammar Constraint”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS 5547: 223-232.
El Hachemi N, Gendreau M and Rousseau L-M, (2009), “A Heuristic to Solve the Weekly Log-Truck Scheduling Problem”, Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM), 10 pages.
Prescott-Gagnon E, Desaulniers G and Rousseau L-M, (2009), “A Branch-and-Price-Based Large Neighbourhood Search Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows”, Networks, 54:4 190-204.
Artigues C, Gendreau M, Rousseau L-M and Vergnaud A, (2009), “Solving an Integrated Employee Timetabling and Job-Shop Scheduling Problem via Hybrid Branch-and-Bound”, Computers and Operations Research, 36:8, 2330-2340.
Van Hoeve WJ, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M and Shabharwal A, (2009), “New Filtering Algorithms for Combinations of among Constraints”, Constraints 14:2, 273-292.
El Hachemi N, Gendreau M and Rousseau L-M, (2008), “Solving a Log-Truck Scheduling Problem with Constraint Programming”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #5015, 293-297.
Côté M-C, Gendron B and Rousseau L-M, (2007), “Modeling the Regular Constraint with Integer Programming”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #4510, 29-53.
Feillet D, Gendreau M and Rousseau L-M, (2007), “New Refinements for the Solution of Vehicle Routing Problems with Branch and Price”, Information System and Operations Research 45:4, 239-256.
Corréa A I, Langevin A and Rousseau L-M, (2007), “Scheduling and Routing of Automated Guided Vehicles: A Hybrid Approach”, Computers and Operations Research 34, 1688-1707.
Rousseau L-M, Gendreau M and Feillet D, (2007), “Interior Point Stabilization for Column Generation”, Operations Research Letters, 35:5, 660-668.
Van Hoeve WJ, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M and Shabharwal A, (2006), “Revisiting the Sequence Constraint”, in Proceedings of CP, LNCS #4204, 620-634 (best paper award).
Artigues C, Gendreau M and Rousseau L-M (2006), “A Flexible Model and a Hybrid Exact Method for Integrated Employee Timetabling and Production Scheduling”, International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, ISBN 80-210-3726-1.
Demassey S, Pesant G, and Rousseau L-M, (2006), “Cost-Regular Based Hybrid Column Generation Approach”, Constraints, 11:4, 315-333.
Lodi A, Milano M and Rousseau L-M, (2006), “Discrepancy Additive Bounding Procedures”, INFORMS Journal on Computing 18, 480-493.
Van Hoeve W J, Pesant G, Rousseau L-M, (2006), “On Global Warming: Flow-Based Soft Global Constraints”, Journal of Heuristics 12:4-5, 347-373.
Demassey S, Pesant G and Rousseau L-M, (2005), “Constraint Programming based Column Generation for Employee Timetabling”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS, #3524, 140-155.
Rousseau L-M (2004), “Stabilization Issues for Constraint Programming Based Column Generation”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #3011, 402-409
Corréa AI, Langevin A and Rousseau L-M, (2004), “Dispatching and Conflict-Free Routing of Automated Guided Vehicles: A Hybrid Approach Combining Constraint Programming and Mixed Integer Programming”, in Proceedings of CPAIOR, LNCS #3011, 370-379.
Rousseau L-M, Focacci F, Gendreau M and Pesant G, (2004), “Solving VRPTW with Constraint Programming Based Column Generation”, Annals of Operations Research 130, 199-216.
Lodi A, Milano M and Rousseau L-M, (2003), “Discrepancy Additive Bounding for the All-Different Constraint”, In Proceedings of CP, LNCS, #2833, 510-524.
Rousseau L-M, Gendreau M and Pesant G, (2002), “A General Approach to the Physician Rostering Problem”, Annals of Operations Research, 115, 193-205.
Rousseau L-M, Gendreau M and Pesant G Using, (2001), “Constraint Programming Based Operators to Solve the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows”, Journal of Heuristics, 8:1 43-58.